115-300x400This was my raised border a few years ago now. It was full of flowers & foliage. It is a funny shape with one long curved edge. I put the tall Red Hot Pokers at the back with the feathery dark purple of the fennel, it worked quite well. I do like using purples & blues with a hint of rebellious red thrown in for good measure.

My word, I’ve been away from blogging for a while, so busy after all that rain I haven’t had a chance to sit down and write anything. I was parked up by the station in Horsham the other day and thought I would take some photos of the wonderful planting scheme the council have had planted. It was a Golden Jubilee floral ribbon. Some of the flowers have gone over now but it really is an inspired piece of planting using all plants that are beneficial to insects and will not need much watering, mind you there has been enough rain to last an eternity!

My pictures don’t really do the planting much justice, the colours got a bit lost, but it gives an idea of what it looks like. Really great planting Horsham Council – well done!