OOOOhhhh, good ole Halloween is upon us again, carve out all those lovely pumpkins! I colllect some of the seeds for next year, I just dry them out on some kitchen towel and then put them in a little envelope in a cool/dry place till next spring, I always manage to get some to germinate. I love carving pumpkins, sometimes I use a stencil, but this year I made it up a bit.
I have noticed that the leaves on the trees have all of a sudden changed colour. They were green for ages and then they just changed within a week, I wonder if they will also drop quickly. My work, at the moment is consisting mainly of sweeping up leaves and debris, I sometimes wish the leaves would just drop all in one go, then the sweeping up would be all over and done with.
Now is the time to really tidy up the garden and tuck it in for winter. The runner and climbing beans can be cut down, but leave the roots in as the nodules on the roots will fix nitrogen in the soil. Remove all dead foliage and leaves off the borders, if left it will encourage pests and disease. Any standing upright perennials like ornamental grasses can be left for hibernating insects and they will look nice with the frost on them.
Happy Halloween
Lucys Gardens