Well Summer is sort of here, not that you would think judging by the changeable weather we are having!

The Veg plot is underway but it is slow I have to say, the Potatoes are doing the best, the Runner Beanshave black fly on them & the Tomato plants are not very big at all. I think it is because the weather has been all over the place & with no consistent heat.

Some of my customers gardens have been looking magnificent though, a lot of it is due to careful pruning & feeding, it really makes a difference. The roses seem to be doing ok this year with many buds, some are flowering the best they have ever done so some customers tell me. The Spring flowers are pretty much over now making way for the vibrant reds, oranges & yellows of Summer, I always view Spring as the lilac, purple time of year.

I will leave you with some pictures of a lovely Rose & Poppy in one of my customers gardenRose DSC_0095.
