Time to tuck your garden up for the winter months! This is the time to start cutting back perennials that have finished, pruning back overgrown shrubs that have stopped growing so much and to sweep up those leaves! It is much better to sweep up the leaves from the lawn and borders as they encourage pest and disease if left, and also the grass will not grow so well and turn yellow. I do leave some perennial seed heads for overwintering insects like ladybirds and the birdslike to peck at the seeds when things turn cold out there. The seed heads I leave are Fennel, Japanese anemone,Allium, ornamental grasses,buddleia and verbena. They also look good when the frost and dew are on them, it doesw look decorative during the winter months.
One of the most important jobs in late autumn is to prune the roses so they do not rock in the winter winds. Cut them to third of their size, taking out crossing and diseased branches. They will need another prune in the very early spring.
Right I off to plan my seed planting for spring already!