I have been so busy these last few months that I have not had a chance to update my blog, naughty me!

The gardens are all looking so plentiful, my veg patch is doing well, I have already had some peas, lettuce, radish & strawberries. Just waiting on the potatoes now & lovely runner beans. Having a vegetable patch is very time consuming, made even more difficult when your 2 year old Labrador digs everything up! It is worth it though to taste that amazing fresh taste, I have really noticed it with my lettuces, ‘Little Gem’, the flavour compared to shop bought is out of this world.

I have been growing lots of ‘Cosmos’ & ‘Stocks’ which I have been selling to my customers. I just love ‘Cosmos’ as it flowers till the first frosts or end of Oct, if you keep dead heading them.

Recently our local fields have been under threat of more building of houses, which we are saturated with in Broadbridge Heath, there was a planning meeting recently & luckily the planning was turned down this time, the fight will still go on though I shall imagine.

I leave you with a beautiful shot of our last remaining fields in Broadbridge Heath.

Till a couple of weeks.


Fields in Broadbridge Heath

Fields in Broadbridge Heath